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Contract instance

After obtaining a warp instance via one of the WarpFactory methods, we can now 'attach' it to a specific contract. Simply call:

const contract: Contract = warp.contract('<contract_tx_id>');

The Contract instance gives us access to several methods that allow to interact with our SmartWeave contract.

Basic Contract methods


import { SortKeyCacheResult } from './SortKeyCache';

async function readState(sortKeyOrBlockHeight?: string | number): Promise<SortKeyCacheResult<EvalStateResult<State>>>;

Returns the state of the contract. If no sortKeyOrBlockHeight is passed, the most recent state will be evaluated and returned.

  • sortKeyOrBlockHeight - either a sort key (see SmartWeave Protocol to read more about sort keys) or block height at which the contract's state should be returned

The result contains fields:

  • sortKey - that sort key at which the state has been evaluated
  • cachedValue.state - the evaluated state
  • cachedValue.validity - the validity report. If interaction is processed properly, a true value is set for its id. If interaction throws any kind of error - false will be set.
  • cachedValue.errorMessage - the error message registered during evaluation - i.e. the messages of all the ContractError thrown.
const { sortKey, cachedValue } = await contract.readState();


connect(signer: ArWallet | CustomSignature): Contract<State>;

Allows to connect wallet to a contract. Connecting a wallet MAY be done before viewState (depending on contract implementation, i.e. whether called contract's function required "caller" info).
Connecting a wallet MUST be done before writeInteraction.

  • signer - Arweave JSON Web Key (JWK), 'use_wallet' string or custom signing function of type:
signer: SigningFunction;
type: SignatureType;
const contract = warp.contract('YOUR_CONTRACT_TX_ID').connect(jwk);


async function viewState<Input = unknown, View = unknown>(
input: Input,
tags?: Tags
): Promise<InteractionResult<State, View>>;

Returns the "view" of the state, computed by the SmartWeave contract - i.e. object that is a derivative of a current contract state and some specific smart contract business logic.
Similar to the view function from Solidity.

  • input the interaction input
  • tags an array of tags with name/value as objects
const { result } = await contract.viewState({
data: { ... }


async function writeInteraction<Input = unknown>(
input: Input,
options?: WriteInteractionOptions
): Promise<WriteInteractionResponse | null>;

Writes a new "interaction" transaction - i.e. such transaction that stores input for the contract. The interaction transactions are loaded during the contract state evaluation.

In case of the forMainnet and forTestnet obtained Warp instances, interaction transactions are bundled and posted on Arweave using Warp Sequencer.
If you want to post transactions directly to Arweave - disable bundling by setting options.disableBundling to true.

The result contains

  • originalTxId - the transaction id of the newly created interaction
  • bundlrResponse - the response from Bundlr
const result = await contract.writeInteraction({
data: { ... }


function setEvaluationOptions(options: Partial<EvaluationOptions>): Contract<State>;

Allows to set EvaluationOptions that will overwrite current configuration.

const contract = warp.contract('YOUR_CONTRACT_TX_ID').setEvaluationOptions({
waitForConfirmation: true,
ignoreExceptions: false,


async function dryWrite<Input>(
input: Input,
caller?: string,
tags?: Tags,
transfer?: ArTransfer
): Promise<InteractionResult<State, unknown>>;

A dry-write operation on contract. It first loads the contract's state and then creates a "dummy" transaction and applies the given Input on top of the current contract's state.

  • input - input to be applied on the current contract's state
  • tags - additional tags to be added to interaction transaction
  • transfer - additional transfer data to be associated with the "dummy" transaction
  • caller - an option to override the caller - if available, this value will overwrite the caller evaluated from the wallet connected to this contract.
const result = await contract.dryWrite({
data: { ... }