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Obtaining Warp instance

Warp instance allows to interact with contracts (read state, write new interactions, deploy new contracts).


To properly initialize Warp you can use one of three methods available in WarpFactory.

Local development

Creates a Warp instance suitable for testing in a local environment (e.g. with a use of ArLocal instance).

const warp = WarpFactory.forLocal();

Default parameters (each of them can be adjusted to your needs):

  1. port - set to 1984
  2. arweave - Arweave initialized with host set to localhost, port set to default port from p. 1 and protocol set to http
  3. cacheOptions - optional cache options parameter, by default inMemory cache is set to true


Creates a Warp instance suitable for using with Warp Testnet. All contracts and interactions are underneath posted to Arweave mainnet, but have a special set of tag that allow to differentiate them from the mainnet transactions.


Testnet transactions have additional Warp-Testnet tag with a value set to testnet version (e.g. 1.0.0). Example testnet transaction.

const warp = WarpFactory.forTestnet();

Default parameters (each of them can be adjusted to your needs):

  1. arweave - Arweave initialized with host set to, port set to 443 and protocol set to https
  2. cacheOptions - optional cache options parameter, by default inMemory cache is set to false


Creates a Warp instance suitable for use with Arweave mainnet. By default, the Warp gateway is being used for:

  1. deploying contracts
  2. writing new transactions through Warp Sequencer
  3. loading contract interactions
const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet();

Default parameters (each of them can be adjusted to your needs):

  1. cacheOptions - optional cache options parameter, by default inMemory cache is set to false
  2. useArweaveGw - defaults to false, if set to true - gateway is used for deploying contracts, writing and loading interactions
  3. arweave - Arweave initialized with host set to, port set to 443 and protocol set to https

Warp Environment

WarpEnvironment is a helper type which can be used in custom scripts to determine in which environment Warp has been initialized. The value can be obtained from the Warp instance.

Possible options:

'local' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet' | 'custom';

if (warp.environment == 'mainnet') {
// custom code